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Wednesday, 28 December 2016

Filming Schedule

Creating a Filming Schedule

As a group we decided that it would be wise to create a filming schedule to try and organise our time efficiently.

As our film opening will include fairly complex aspects of stage makeup, we need to ensure that we aim to film all of our scenes involving the stage makeup on one day, to avoid any inconsistencies within the míse en scene. 

The day we have chosen to start filming is 28/12/16. We decided that we would use this day to film all our scenes involving the protagonist and the stage makeup. The other scenes (the contents of the protagonist's flashbacks), for example the shots of the Church, will be filmed on a different day. 

The filming schedule for the 28/12/16 is as follows:

0900: Meet at location (my house)
0915: Gather and organise míse en scene items
0925: Carry all the míse en scene items to our location (the building conveniently next door)
0945: Clear out the cellar, moving all the paint pots and other items to the landing on the ground floor
1130: Carry down all our míse en scene items; the chair, stool, books and candles
1145: Gather the two pieces of scrap wood and using hemp cord, bind them together to form a cross
1200: Apply blood to the cross in the areas of crucifixion
1215: Arrange the items of míse en scene appropriately
1230: Trial different lighting techniques to sample which looks best on camera
1330: Begin filming all the scenes that don't involve stage makeup
1445: Apply SFX makeup
1545: Film the rest of the scenes involving the SFX makeup
1700: Remove SFX makeup and place the paint pots back into the cellar
1900: finish

It is inevitable that minor inconveniences will happen, and we have accounted for this in our schedule. However it is possible that we will continue our filming day beyond 7pm.

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