Todorov's theory of equilibrium
Tzvetan Todorov in 1969 simplified the idea of narrative theory into his own theory of equilibrium to apply the every film. He split this up into five stages called the equilibriumdisequilibrium, acknowledgement, the solution an then returing to the equilibrium once again.
The five stages can be summerised into:
1) A state of equilibrium where everything is as it should be in a state of solidarity
2) A disruption of that order by an event that damages the equilibrium
3) A recognition that the disorder has occurred
4) An attempt to create a solution for the disaster and repair the damage of the disruption
5) A return to the new equilibrium where things have been solved
This theory should be able to fit to any film which doesn't have a sequal as this may not necessarily end with and equilibrium.
A film that Todorov's theory fits perfectly with is Avatar:
1) War against Na'vi and Jake Sully is sent to become part of tribe.
2) Hometree is planned to be destroyed.
3) Hometree is destroyed.
4) Jake Sully unites the tribes of Pandora to fight back against the humans.
5) Jake decides to stay in his avatar permanently.
We can use the stages of this theory in our own film when creating a horror film as it is an effective way of portraying a storyline.
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